Gina & Marcus

Gina & Marcus

July 7, 2025 • Clearwater, FL
116 Days To Go!
Gina & Marcus

Gina & Marcus

July 7, 2025 • Clearwater, FL
116 Days To Go!

Our Story

How We Met

It started with an office get-together at Boxi Park. Little did we know at the time that first meeting would lead to a loving relationship that has continued to grow since. Our first date went so well we barely touched our food. Less than a month later, I was helping Gina move into her new apartment.

Our Journey

Our love for each other became stronger thanks in large part to the challenges we overcame together. When we started dating, Gina was studying for the Florida BAR exam, and I had just started on completing my Bachelor’s degree. And this was while we were both working full-time! On top of that, the challenges continued to come our way including several family emergencies and multiple hurricanes to name a few. But through it all we had our love, each other, and the support of our family and friends.


2024 turned out to be a big year for both of us. Last May, I graduated with Gina and my family by my side. In July, I went with Gina to Tampa to be her moral support as she took the final portion of her BAR exam. 2 years of nonstop studying, late nights quizzing, and sacrificing time with the people we care about led up to that exam. Then on September 23rd, we got the amazing news that Gina had passed the Florida BAR, and I was so happy to be sitting right next to her as she saw her score. And on December 19, our families came together to watch Gina get sworn in as an official attorney. But unbeknownst to Gina, I saved the best event of 2024 for last.

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The Proposal

After months of planning, I knew how to start the new year. I wanted to go to a place that meant a lot to both of us. And the answer was obvious. I made the reservation at the restaurant where we had our first date, Terralina at Disney Springs. After dinner, just outside the restaurant, I made the best decision of my life and proposed to the woman I love.

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I Love You Gina

These years together have been some of the best of my life. To Gina, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You have made my life better in more ways than I can count. I’m looking forward to starting a family with you and growing old together. And to everyone who helped make this happen (Looking at you Hayley and Margaret) and who supported us both, we thank you.